Let the VLSI Jobs Chase you!
All our students usually get multiple offers, so they choose the right job, instead of companies choosing a candidate. As our training methodology is about STUDENT TO PROFESSIONAL transformation, Jobs chase our candidates than the usual way ! Come, Join the revolution !!

Proven and Practical Curriculum
- 14+ modules with exhaustive content
- 30+ Exams
- 200+ assignments
- 3 integrated project
- a focused approach tailored to each student
- constant mentoring from industry experts
to transform the student into VLSI Professional with 100% Placement assistance.
Introduction to VLSI: Evolution
- What is VLSI and its role?
- End to End Flow: Front-end and Back-end
CMOS Basics
- Gate Basics
- Logic Modeling with Standard cells
- Processing: Bulk CMOS, FD-SOI, FinFet
- ASIC: Custom and Semi-Custom
Digital System Design
1. Introduction
1. What Is System
2. What Is Digital System
3. Why Digital System Is Needed
2. Number System
1. What Is Number Systems
2. Binary Number System
3. Signed And Unsigned Numbers
4. Complementary Numbers
5. Range Of Numbers
6. Octal And Hexadecimal Numbers
3. Binary Codes
1. Self-Complementary Codes
2. Excess 3 Code
3. Gray Code
4. Code Conversions
4. Boolean Algebra And Logic Gates
1. 3 D's Properties
2. Importance Of Ex-or Gate
3. Sop And Pos Realisations
5. Combinational Circuits
1. Introduction
2. Design Procedure
3. Decoders
4. Encoders
5. Mux And Demux
6. Universal Function Generator And Simplification
7. Barrel Shifter/Combinational Shifter
6. Adders
1. Half Adder
2. Full Adder
3. Ripple Carry Adder
4. Carry Save Adder
5. Carry Select Adder
6. Carry Look Ahead Adder
7. Bcd Adder
8. 4 Bit Adder/Subtractor
7. 2 Bit Magnitude Comparator
8. Binary Multiplier
1. Regular Multiplication And Challenges
2. Csa Based Multiplication
3. Multiplication As Algorithm
4. Radix 2 Booth's Algorithm
5. Radix 4 Booth's Algorithm
9. Sequential Circuits
1. Introduction And Definition
2. Latches
1. S R Latch
2. D Latch
3. S'r' Latch
4. Clocked Sr Latch
3. Flip Flop
1. D Flip Flop
2. T Flip Flop
4. Propagation Delay Of Flip Flops
5. Set Up Time, Hold Time Of Flip Flops
6. Registers
7. Shift Registers
1. Siso Register
2. Piso Register
3. Sipo Register
4. Pipo Register
8. Counters
1. Synchronous Counters
2. Asynchronous Counters
3. Up Counter/Down Counter
4. Modulo Counter
5. Applications Of Counters
6. Counting No. Of. Pulses
7. Frequency Division
10. Finite State Machines
1. Introduction
2. Moore FSM
3. Mealy FSM
4. Applications Of FSM's
5. Sequence Detector Using FSM
11. Memory
1. Introduction
2. Classification Of Memory
3. Rom
1. Prom
2. Eprom
3. Eeprom
4. Flash Memory
4. Ram
1. Sram
2. Dram
3. Sdr
4. Ddr
1. Ddr1
2. Ddr2
3. Ddr3
180+ Assignments
6 Exams
1. Digital Fundamental
2. Combinational Level -1
3. Combinational Level -2
4. Sequential Level -1
5. Sequential Level -2
6. Digital Design Grand Test
Digital System Design +
All Digital System Design Module Training as listed above Click here to go
Design using Verilog HDL
- Hardware Description Language (HDL)
- Introduction & Importance of HDL - HDL vs. High Level Languages
- Logic Design using Verilog / Design Methodologies Verilog – Introduction
- Basic Language elements - Design constraints
- Data types- Simple and complex
- Wires and registers
- Hardware orientation
- Parts of Code in Verilog
- Modules & Ports
- Body and Concurrency
- Modeling styles in Verilog
- Data flow
- continuous assign
- Event Triggering introduction
- Gate-level
- primitive gates and instantiation
- Event Triggering
- Structural
- Module vs Component
- Component instantiation and types
- Event Triggering
- Behavioral
- Introduction to procedural programming
- Initial and Always
- Always use cases and deeper study with event triggering
- Blocking and non-blocking
- Tasks & Functions
- Forks
- Data flow
- Advanced Verilog Topics
- Compiler Directives
- Test bench and clock generation
- Verilog Theoretical Exams
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Verilog Labs
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Basic Interview Questions Discussion
- Advanced Interview Questions Discussions
- Mock Interview -2
Simulation, Synthesis and Timing Analysis
- Designing Strategies
- Emphasis on Simulation & Synthesis Issues
- RTL Design Strategies (VHDL & Verilog)
- Static Timing Analysis (STA)
- Linux Essentials and TCL
- Lint and CDC
Design Project using Verilog
- Literature Survey
- Architecture
- Micro Architecture
- Module Development
- Simulation and STA
- Synthesis and Validation
- Requirement Matching for Design parameters and Fine tuning
- Project presentation
FPGA Prototyping
- Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices
- Study of PLD’s, CPLD’s
- Introduction to FPGA - Design Flow & Overview
- FPGA Implementation (Board Level Explanation)
- FPGA Implementation of Mini Projects
Project Presentation
- Presentation preparation
- Results Explanation
Formal Verification
- Verification - Introduction & Importance
- Verification Methodologies
- Verification Process
- Reusable TB
System Verilog
- Introduction To System Verilog
- Data Types
- Operators
- Arrays
- Fixed Size Array
- Dynamic Array
- Associative Arrays
- Queues
- Array Methods
- Procedural Statements & Control Flow
- Blocking & Non-Blocking If Priority If
- Loops
- For & Foreach
- While & Do-while
- Repeat
- Forever
- Break And Continue
- Named Blocks
- Statement Labels
- Disable Blocks
- Disable Statements
- Event Control
- Processes
- Fork
- Forkjoin, Fork Join None
- Tasks
- Functions
- Oops Fundamentals
- Class, Constructor, This Keyword
- Static Class Properties & Methods
- Class Assignment, Shallow Copy, Deep Copy
- Inheritance, Polymorphism, Data Hiding Encapsulation
- Sv Tb Architecture
- Generator
- Driver Monitor
- Agent
- Scoreboard EnvironmentTest And Tb_Top
- Sv Tb Architeure Code Templates
- Randomization & Constraints
- Randomization Concept Methods Constraint And Constraint Methods
- Inside, Dist, Inline, If Else Implication Constraints
- Iterative, Functional, Soft, Unique, Solve Before Constraints
- Inter-Process Communication
- Mailbox
- Semaphore
- Event
- Multiple Process Threading
- Interface, Modport, Clocking Blocks
- Assertions
- Concept, Need Of Assertions, Assertion Building Blocks
- Implication And Replication Operator
- Ended Iff, Disable Iff, Sva Built-In Methods
- Functional Coverage
- Concept, Types Of Coverage
- Coverage Model Cover Group Definition
- Transitional Coverage, Cross Coverage
- Miscellaneous Topics
- Sv Example Coding
- Basic Interview Questions Discussion
- Advanced Interview Questions Discussion
- Real-Time Project Explanation
- Feature Extraction / Testcase Plan
- What, Why and How of UVM
- UVM TB Architecture
- Phases and TLM
- Arbitration and Sequencer
- UVM Macros
Verification Project using System Verilog
VLSI Frontend RTL Design
VLSI Frontend ASIC Verification
Design for Testability
- Introduction of DFT
- Scan Insertion and compression
- Fault Models and Classes
- Memory and Logic BIST examples
DFT Project: Memory BIST/R
- Scan Design
- Scan Insertion
- BIST Validation
Artificial Intelligence and VLSI.
- AI and ML Introduction
- CPU, GPU and TPU
- Design and Verification Automation using AI
- AI and VLSI: Scope and Applications